textcraft - Minecraft and 8-bit style text and logo maker
font styles
fit lines to max width
drop shadow
3d-style view
24-bit color images


 - By: Fidibus180 - Hits: 38
Use different styles for each line of text
** Note: Please use "download" or "host" to keep your images
font styles
Welcome to Textcraft
Design your own logo or text for your website, blog, YouTube videos, screenshots, forum sig., artwork, Minecraft server, wallpaper, computer games etc. Textcraft is a free online text and logo maker, and is also compatible with iPad and Android tablets.
See the guide below and also the faq for more details.

New! v2.1 Added Pokémon and GTA fonts, some bugfixes (see about page for details).
v2.0 More fonts, textures, and Textcraft Pro option for extra large font sizes.
v1.1 Added Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Arabic, Greek and Cyrillic fonts.
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Enter your text
Type your text into the box shown as "Your text here". You can have a single line of text, or up to 3 lines. Press "Create" to create your graphic using the current settings. When you're happy with the result, click on "Download" to download the file. (more.. )
Text & Border Size
Use the text size buttons to change the size of each line of text. You can change the size of each line by first clicking on the text box for that line, and then using the size buttons. Change the size of the border around the text by using the border size buttons. (more.. )
Text Styles
You can choose a different color and font style for each line of text. Select a font by clicking on the font name, eg. "Square". The available color and texture styles for that font will appear. Scroll through the styles by using the right and left arrows. Select a style by clicking on it, and press the "Create" button to update your text using your new selection. Hint: Styles for each font are a combination of textures and solid colors. Click on the right or left arrows to get to the page with solid colors. (more.. )
Textcraft lets you apply some special settings to add some wow to your text. Click the "Create" button after changing these settings to update your text. drop shadow: The drop shadow option creates a darker shadow underneath your text. This can really help add depth to your text. 3d style: This option will change the perspective of the text to look as if it's receding into the distance. It's not the same as a full 3d render, but can look good for Minecraft and some other styles of text. glow: Two different glow options are available: Localized Glow This creates an unusual glow that takes it's color from the nearby edges of your text. This can look great with some styles such as lava, but may need some experimenting with. Colored Glow This is a glow using a specified color. Select the color you want to use with the swatch to the right. Note that very dark colors won't work here since the color selected is an "addition" to the overall glow, so you may need to use a strong color with this option. Note: Glow will usually only apply to the first line of text - see the multi-line option for more details. (more.. )
Minecraft style text
Use the Minecrafter and Minecraftia fonts for classical Minecraft style text, or use one of the existing text styles such as "Minescript" or "Achievement Get". Hint: You can get the Creeper face using the Minecrafter font by entering an upper-case "A".
Other text styles
Textcraft has a built-in style database which you can search or add to with your own style settings. The most popular styles for this month are displayed initially, or you can view the newest or top 200 styles in addition to searching by style name or submitter name. Click on the sample "Tt" text icon to load that specific style. Signup for a free account to save new styles you create.
After logging in, you have the option of saving new styles by using the "Save style" dialog box. Enter a stylename of your choice, then click the Save button. The style will be saved to your profile, so you can access it later. You can currently save up to 50 styles, but there is no limit on the amount of text you can create using these styles. You can also share the URL of your profile page to show your creations to others, or use it as a group page.
Multi-line option
This buttons controls whether "multi-line" mode is enabled or not. The default is switched on for multi-line mode. This means that you can have different styles of text on each line 1 to 3. Click on the text input box for each line to indicate that you want to change settings for that line. The styles box to the left will update with the current style for that particular line. You can change the text style and size settings individually for each line. (more.. )
Hints & Tips
* Keep transparency details by saving the file instead of copying and pasting - each image created on Textcraft contains a .PNG alpha channel which means it will smoothly blend into any other graphic, as long as you save the file directly from Textcraft (either using the "Download" button or right-click and "Save as.." in your web browser). * Not happy with the available sizes of text, or need to slightly tweak the font size? First select a large text size, then use the "fit to max. width" option to reduce the generated text size down to the right size. * Need hex colors? - you can specify the exact color you want for borders and glow by editing the hex value displayed in the color swatch popup. (more.. )

Font list
Minecraft, 8-bit and blocky fonts:
Minecrafter v3, Zephyrean, Stonecraft, Square, ArcadePix, Minecraftia, Blocked, Umbrage, White Rabbit, Karmatic Arcade, Gputeks
Unicode fonts:
Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Korean, Arabic, Hindi, Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Chinese (Traditional)
Misc fonts:
Designosaur, Flipbash, League Gothic, Augustus, Metro, Telegrafico, ChunkFive, Helsinki, Minstrel, Osaka, Pacifico, Pokémon, Swagger, Pokémin, Aero, Pricedown
Image credits
Background pic No.14:
See the font download page for full credits and font download links
Visit the Textcraft Facebook page for news & updates

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